I am fascinated by the origins of words and
phrases and also quirky facts about our world.
Today I thought I’d share some of my finds with you. I’ll bet you can’t
wait. Here goes.
EVOO – Okay, that’s not exactly a word or phrase,
but it’s an acronym put into the Oxford American College Dictionary in 2006
because of its frequent us by Food Network star, Rachel Ray. It stands for
extra virgin olive oil. Yeah, no, don’t say E-voo like some arrogant cow trying
to impress you with her foreign accent. You say each letter so it kind of
sounds like one word. Just listen to Rachel.
Nerd – This word was coined by Dr. Seuss when he
gave the name to one of his oddball creatures way back in the day. They were
all that way, with their unruly tufts of hair everywhere, don’t you
think? Perhaps I’ll start making up a word here or there and see how many
stick. My first attempt? Blurf. I’ll imagine what it means in a minute.
Enervated – Ha! This does NOT mean full of energy.
It means drained of energy. Sure does sound like the opposite, though,
right? Well, the next time you say it, drape your hand over your brow and hang
onto the nearest chair or counter. Nothing like maximum drama to illustrate a word's true meaning. “I am enervated beyond belief by this pile of laundry.” Ask the
arrogant cow if you might borrow her accent, too. As you glide to the floor you’ll impress everyone.
Jump on the bandwagon – In the late 18th
and early 19th century horse drawn wagons, carrying a band (imagine
that) were used by circuses, in parades and during political campaigns. And who
wouldn’t love to be invited to “jump on” and join the fun? Every Tom Sawyer and
Jane Finn out there, that’s who. Of course that meant you were all in for the
clowns, drum majorettes, and the mayor. I once jumped on the “Spam for
everyone!” bandwagon and have yet to live it down. Ugh.
Have a baby? Get a pet – This I read in a recent
Reader’s Digest. Canadian researchers found that babies one to three months old living
in homes with furry pets that carry high levels of (hang on while I
type these loooong words) Oscillospira and /or Ruminococcus, gut
microbes, have a lower risk of allergies and obesity. Hello, Fido! My father-in-law’s maxim of “You have to eat a pound of dirt before you die”
kind of fits in with this study. In my mind anyway.
So, that’s probably enough continuing education
for you right now. Go ahead and add to the list, though, if you’d like to and have
time. I’m all ears.
Image: Free Digital Photos
Fun post, Susan! I had no idea where the word "nerd" originated. And now I know, thanks to you. :) Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteHappy to inform, Karen. =0) You have a great week, too!