reason to celebrate. What does that mean? It’s a real “up” word, celebrate. My
big honking dictionary explains it this way.
– To praise or honor publicly; to extol.
– we don’t use words like extol very much anymore, do we? But I like the idea
of celebrating something publicly and that’s what Giving Thanks Day is all
about. We have a reason to celebrate and there’s the private and the public
aspect when it comes to Thanksgiving. So here’s my breakdown.
– Around here Thanksgiving Day is pretty much their favorite celebration
because so little is required of them besides a hearty appetite and skill with
the remote control. No shopping or gift giving for these guys. Nope. A day off
for food, sports and storytelling. Plus leftovers. What could be better?
– One monster meal cooked and then - off for 4 days. “You want dinner? There’s
turkey left so go make us a sandwich.” This is especially true for women who
put on their armor and battle the dark forces of Black Friday. I’m not one of
them, but I understand. Yes, I do.
– No school! For 4 days!
– So happy to have created a people who celebrate everything He’s given
them. So pleased that they fill the
churches to sing “We Gather Together” and then wish each other a Happy
Thanksgiving. “We’ll be heading to Aunt Clara’s. Bobbies just home, too. He
loves the Navy.” “I’m doing the pies and thanks for the recipe!” He just grins
and grins about stuff like this. The public acknowledgment and extolling of His
provision for us all is evident here. Nice.
– Thrilled to be able to . . . hey! Wait a minute. Can anybody think of why a
turkey should celebrate? Me neither. I only have this to say. Wouldn’t you
rather be sitting on a lovely heirloom platter, all browned up like a Florida
sun worshiper than hauled home to a family of drooling foxes who don’t even use
the best silver to carve you up? C’mon now.
get out there and extol and honor the God who gives, the people who cook, the
day of rest and eating, and the sacrifice of the great hoards of turkeys, potatoes,
pumpkins, and cranberries that gave up their lives for you. They deserve it.
Giving Thanks!
Image: Free Digital Photos