Friday, December 12, 2014

A Santa Poem

Years ago I wrote this poem for some children’s magazine or maybe Ideals. Never sold it, but I still kind of like it. Whatever we tell our kids about Santa in a real sense he’s real. There’s a ‘real’ story of Santa and we have St. Nicholas who was a real person. The man in the red suit is a ‘real’ part of our culture and all the images of him are ‘real’. Images in the form of illustrations, photos, cover art, etc. And boy, he’s had a ‘real’ impact on the economy, right? That’s the way I put a spin on the Santa question when my children became skeptical. They took it well. I left out the part about the economy.

Anyway, here’s my short poem. I’m off to shop with Karen today. I hope you are having a jolly season - so far. 

Santa Knows
By Susan Sundwall

Santa knows all about naughty and nice
He knows about chimneys, sugar and spice

He knows about cookies left on the table
He knows about babies born in a stable

He knows all the children are snug in their beds
He knows all the dreams going round in their heads

He knows when he comes with his presents tonight
He’s spreading the joy of this season so bright

Image: digitalart                                 Free Digital Photos

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