Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The More Things Change . . .

One of the things I most look forward to when the seasons change is the kind of cooking I do.  Right now I’m a bit tired of burgers, cold salads and ice cream. So last night we had a great Crockpot – um, slow cooker – beef stew for supper. I’d put the whole deal together at about 10:00 a.m. and let it simmer all day. House smelled great. Oddly enough, a few months ago it was a smell I’d had enough of, but that was at the end of spring when the delights of the garden began to entice. Velvety red tomatoes are what I craved and looked forward to.

Aren't we humans funny that way? Just when we’re sick of one thing another comes along. And it doesn't seem to matter if that other thing is an old familiar something. We just want a change – for now. This brings to mind other seasonal changes and let’s see if you agree on how this works.

Spring – I've just about had it with sweatshirts and a shut up house. Summer is in all the catalogs and stores and I can’t wait to buy new flip flops and a neon green bikini. Whoa – back up. No bikini for me, but you get the idea. I don’t really like flip flops either. Anyway, a few wardrobe changes help usher in every new season. That and the schematic of the garden hubby is layout our. Oh, and a red, red robin or two. 

Summer – Fresh mowed lawns, thrilling dives into the cool lake and hot dogs on the grill. Corn at the farm stand and boatloads of flowers to plant by the back door. Cleaning 21 windows so I can throw them open and let the mosquitoes in . . . wait, wait. Bugs have no business in my house during the lazy, hazy days. Sigh. Sure glad I bought that electric tennis racket thingy to zap them with. That sucker really Pops! Bye, bye skeeters.

Fall – Probably my favorite season as long as the days are sunny and the nights are cool. Not too fond of Edgar Allen Poe fog and damp mist and I don’t want it so cool that we need to turn on the heat before we can afford a tank of oil. But, what am I thinking? Hubby starts chopping wood at the beginning of September and we can snuggle our way through the winter when the old wood burning feature on the furnace puffs out the heat. Come to think of it, that dad in A Christmas Story’s got nothing on Mr. Sundwall Sr. Dagnabrottenstinkingold . . . again – you get the idea. We really, really need a new furnace.  

Winter – No season is without its charms and winter, at least at the beginning, has the thrill of the holidays going for it. By mid-November I’m in full baking grandma mode and I dearly love it. If there’s a snowy day or two before Jesus’ birthday it simply makes me smile. After that I’m looking at neon green bikinis again. Sort of. 

Life is change after change after change and somehow it stays the same. A happy cycle that keeps us interested in life. What does each season bring to your world?   


  1. Color and wonder and appreciation for the other seasons. :) Bring on the fall!

    1. Yay! You found me. Glad you love fall, too. God's blessing to you and yours.

  2. Love fall best! Like you, I look forward to those soups and slow cooker meals. Made a hearty soup last night, matter of fact. :-) Looking forward to long walks with cool breezes and without the humidity that reminds me just how curly my hair can be!

    1. Ha! You have the "curlies" too, huh, Karen? My sympathies.Long walks in the fall are the best. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. I like living where we have 4 seasons. We look forward to each - yes, even winter. Until it seems never to go away, but there's the anticipation that spring is just around the corner. Right now I'm enjoying the crisp cool days, sunshine and the changing colors around us.. Marion

    1. I lived in Southern California for many years and not much changed no matter what time of year it was. Kind of boring. When family visits from there they almost always choose autumn as the time to come. I'm loving the cooler days, too. Nice to have you here, Marion!

  4. I love slow cooker meals. Beef stew, pulled pork, pulled chicken, baked beans--all so delicious and make the house smell inviting.

    As for seasons, I enjoy the summer because the kids are home but spring is at the top of my list too. Spring, to me, means opening up windows, putting away winter clothing and boots, and witnessing the rebirth of flowers and the vegetables in our garden.

    Change is a good thing--keeps us on our toes and looking forward. Be well, my friend. :-)

    1. Hi, Janette. So glad you stopped by to share a word or two. Your world mirrors mine in so many ways. God bless.

  5. Ah, the changing seasons... a gift to us all. To me, spring brings HOPE. Summer brings JOY, family gatherings, picnics and the like. Autumn brings wonderful days of Reflection. Winter brings Rest and the holidays. After the holidays we can relax and rest until we can't stand it anymore and hope for spring ~ sooner than later! Autumn is my very favorite.

    1. So many people love the fall, Cindy. We're so blessed to live where it is sooo beautiful, especially in October. Be well, my friend.
