Monday, April 6, 2015

Notes From the Weekend

On Saturday, as I shambled into the kitchen and poured my first cuppa Joe, my head was full of all the things I had to do for the weekend. Make a dessert for Easter Sunday, bundle up goodie packages for the grand kids, wash everything I needed to pack for our trip on Monday . . . on and on. Then, with hot coffee in hand, I leaned against the kitchen counter, sighed, and looked out the window. And there she was. The moon. Just through the bare branches of all the waiting maples and pines it glowed softly. Full, pale, shimmery. It gave me pause. Such a lovely reminder of what’s there for us to see if we simply stop for a moment. So I did and it stayed with me all day - this feeling that beauty is all around us. Just look.

The next day, Easter, the church was packed. I got there early for choir practice and saved a pew for the Sundwalls. I was so happy to know my family would be there. Our granddaughter, Sierra, is especially enamored of the Hallelujah Chorus.

Two things happened.

Just before I went up to sing I shared the peace with friends and strangers. One older gentleman, one of the strangers, stood straight as an arrow as I approached and extended my hand. He graciously accepted and shared back. Later when he went  up for communion he did so on crutches, lofstrand, the kind that fit on your arms. I never would have guessed he needed them. I gave him a small silent cheer.

When the time came to sing Hallelujah our normally smallish choir was enhanced by at least ten other people from the congregation. Pastor Jim always invites anyone who’d like to sing to do so – this one time. They clamored up the stairs and it was awesome to be filled in like that. The whole of the congregation then stood, turned and looked up as we began. But this time, as we roared out our praise, another voice shot up from the assembly below. Wally. The yellow lab. Yup. He accompanies his owner every Sunday and all we usually hear is the jingle of his harness when he stands. But this Sunday Wally was making a more joyful noise. You can listen to him and us right here. It was glorious. I’m sure the King of Kings was delighted. Oh – Sierra sang along, too. She told me later. Dogs and kids. Gotta love ‘em.

So – what have you encountered while you were out and about this week?

PS: I’ll be away visiting our #2 son and granddaughters until Saturday. Hubby and I will be off to Washington state this afternoon. See you soon! 

Image: Free Digital Photos 

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your visit! Thanks for sharing your Sunday with us. :)
